17 Signs Your Classroom is Behind the Times
1.) Your students turn in their homework on printed paper...instead of digitally.
2.) For poster assignments, your students need glue, construction paper, and scissors... instead of using an online tool like Glogster.
3.) You still have chalk. Or a Dry Eraser.
4.) You try to pull up a web resource on your computer to show the class and you receive a "This website has been blocked" message.
5.) You cross your fingers every time you try to connect to the network to access the internet.
6.) You don't get interrupted by a cell phone ring, text message, or tweet alert at some point during the school year.
7.) You spend most of your class time lecturing students... rather than getting them collaborating and learning from each other.
8.) You have a set of Encyclopedias.
9.) You consider using a PowerPoint presentation as satisfying the need to integrate technology in the classroom.
10.) You create more content than your students do.
11.) Your students aren't teaching you something new (likely about technology) at least once a day.
12.) You don't have a classroom website or blog to post class information, homework assignments, and parent information online.
13.) You don't have a classroom set of computers, netbooks, ipads or other device for group work.
14.) You don't find at least one thing to call the IT department about every week.
15.) A student has never requested to complete a project using a new digital tool you've never heard of.
16.) You've never used or heard of: Collaborize Classroom, Prezi, Evernote, Glogster, MyFakeWall, Typewith.me, Storybird, JayCut, Wordle, or Tiki-Toci.
Ah, if only all parents could afford a computer (and the internet) to be able to send homework home digitally, and to comment on and interact with students over the class blog.